Hello! Welcome to my website, I’m happy to have you.

I am Diana Ragno, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist that works with both men and women for weight loss with a specialty in hormone balance and weight loss for women 40+ so they can rid themselves of those horrible PMS or Peri/menopause symptoms, increase energy and sustainably manage their ideal weight…for the long term. No fad one size fits all diets or intense work outs, just proven personalized nutrition and lifestyle plans based on your unique body chemistry.

Does this sound familiar?:

Tired all the time? Have no energy? Low libido?
Addicted to coffee? Especially morning and mid afternoon.
Trouble sleeping?
Clothes are getting tighter? Belly fat?
Digestive issues? Chronic bloating?
Hormones all over the place? Peri/menopause?

Hot Flashes, night sweats, heavy/irregular periods
Depressed, anxious, irritable, stressed?
Blood sugar/insulin imbalances? Type 2 Diabetes?
Have you skipped events because you didn’t feel comfortable with your recent weight gain? Do you want to get back to that body you had before and regain your confidence?
Do you need a reset?
Have you tried many diets and nothing has worked…at least for the long term? Are you starting to think this is an impossible task and you just can’t do it?
Or, do you, just…want…to feel…better?

Well, it IS possible and you CAN achieve your goals with the right nutrition plan, lifestyle modifications and yours truly guiding and consulting with you along the way!

“Things are great! I’m down 26 lbs and feeling good! I noticed a big difference in my past couple of periods; I didn’t even expect mine this month because there was no PMS! ~KR


Your best is yet to come!

I will guide you to achieving your weight loss goals, while balancing your hormones and riding yourself of peri/menopause symptoms. Your long lasting sustainable healthy habits will seem seamless over time. No judgement, we’ll form a team…my goal is your success.

Book a free consultation

Why choose One Holistic Nutrition?

Well, I’m glad you asked! I am nutrition obsessed but also practical. I know that you live a busy life and don’t have endless hours to spend meal planning and cooking. This is where I come in. I take the guess work out of what, when and how, when it comes to eating and lifestyle habits, and help you find your  balance. 

Through my support you can create meals that are convenient, delicious and healthy for you… and your family. I would never suggest you eat foods you don’t like, in fact the opposite; I will introduce you to new foods you’ll fall in love with. I would also never tell you to consistently avoid your favourite foods. I certainly don’t! It’s what you do most of the time that matters. Spoiler alert! You may find over time that your tastes change and your cravings will diminish. I can personally testify to that! You will learn to choose for yourself what foods work best with your body.

I’m also aware that we live in an ever increasing stressful world that each year presents newer and seemingly more difficult challenges. Couple that with a food supply and promotion that does not align with the genetics of our metabolism we inherited thousands of years ago. It’s no wonder many of us feel out of balance, uncomfortable in our bodies and not like ourselves. I will guide you into long lasting sustainable healthy habits that will seem seamless over time.

Having a knowledgeable coach and a proven program can make all the difference. Did you know working with a coach increases compliance to a plan? Why try to figure this out on your own? I will help you feel like the rock star you are so you can take on the world and achieve your goals. Imagine a life with energy, confidence, drive and a body you love. It is possible and it can happen! 
More about me here.

Nutrition and Lifestyle

The pandemic has put a spotlight on our health like no other. It has been a true wake up call that healthy bodies and minds can better help us take on life’s challenges. Health is number one, without it what do we really have? We’ve been gifted one body, one mind and one life to live to its fullest. I help you take good care of that gift. Adequate nutrition is the foundation for health, the building block, and without it true health cannot be achieved. Hipprocates once said:

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”

Nutrition and lifestyle is a large factor in so many illnesses. It’s an important player, that often gets overlooked or put last. Making simple dietary and lifestyle changes can have dramatic effects on your health and wellbeing. Through customized implementations, I’m here to guide and coach you on your journey to achieving wellbeing.

“Loved how Complete Body Reset worked for me! I thought weight loss was going to be the most significant result…although I lost the weight I underestimated how much everything else improved. Sleep great…no more waking up in the middle of the night restless and then taking forever to fall back asleep. No more hot flashes all night long. Waking up refreshed and lots of energy during the day. No longer foggy and lethargic without caffeine! Oh! And I’m now at my ‘happy’ weight too! Feeling satiated with my meals…eating yummy whole foods! Cravings gone (that helps!). Who knew? Eating the right foods for you makes you feel great!”
-VRD, 52 year old female

Book a free consultation